Get new eyeballs on your products

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Make it.

You’re a creator. You’ve always been good with your hands.

The thrill of manifesting an object from your imagination is what gets you out of bed in the morning but marketing your business online?

Not so much.

Maybe you’ve already embraced Instagram but your reach is being tanked by algorithms and it’s not actually driving visitors to your site.

Besides, your followers are already familiar with your brand.

You need new customers and a place to get in front of them.

Well, the good news is that there is a place, and it’s called Pinterest.

Pin it.

Your new audience awaits you on Pinterest with over 440 million monthly users actively searching for products like yours.

If you’re looking for true fans beyond just friends and family, then having a presence on a platform where 97% of searches are unbranded is not just smart, it’s essential for growing your business online.

In fact, 77% of pinners have discovered a new brand while browsing on Pinterest.

You could be one of those brands.


Sell it.

So you joined the Ecommerce revolution but what’s the next step?

Did you know that 90% of all websites on the internet get zero organic traffic from Google?

Having a presence on Pinterest is like setting up a storefront on a superhighway of engaged shoppers to redirect them to your site.

The proof is in the numbers.

Pinterest has more than doubled traffic referrals to retailers since last year.

The number of users shopping on Pinterest has gone up 44% year over year and 83% of pinners have made a purchase based on content they saw on Pinterest.

If being in the 10% of sites that get organic traffic sounds enticing to you, then you’re ready to start exploring Pinterest for your business.

Hit the button below to get a complete roadmap to help you get started on Pinterest the right way.

Start generating more leads and sales today.

Need Help getting started?

Here are some free resources I put together to help you get started with the basics of Pinterest marketing for your jewelry brand today!

  • Start it.

    Quit putting off your Pinterest marketing and set up a passive marketing channel.

  • Build it.

    Grow your audience by providing awesome targeted content that serves you both.

  • Track it.

    Easily track your account’s growth and focus your efforts on what’s working.

  • the jewelers quick start guide to selling on Pinterest

    Get selling.

    Everything you need to know to get your account set up for selling on Pinterest.

Pinterest tips so your brand can stand out.

It’s not just me talking.

tte Wachter

“My first hour coaching call I could not take notes fast enough with all of the information she shared. She had so many tips and tricks that make sense and if you devote enough time to Pinterest you will see the traffic results. Her knowledge and excitement of Pinterest is so infectious and inspiring! You can’t wait to get started.”

— Annette Wachter

Rudy Blu Jewelry

Robin Kramer

“Andrea is a talented creative and a strong marketer. She is that rare person who attacks business challenges with a balanced right brain/left brain approach. Her students would call her an enthusiastic, thorough and patient teacher.”

- Robin Kramer

Reb Boot Consulting

Toby Myles

“I’ve always struggled to understand how to use Pinterest for my businesses, but Andrea makes it simple to understand! Her wealth of knowledge, experience, enthusiasm, and attention to detail makes me excited to dive right in. Andrea presents info in manageable, bite-sized steps.

— Toby Myles

Ride Like a Girl Designs

Michelle Meeshka Vidro

“In our first session I got really clear on how to do this and was given concise instructions on my next steps. Andrea is generous with her time and openly shares what she knows about Pinterest marketing. The chaos and chatter are clearing and I’m focused. Ahhhh... peace.”

- Michelle Meeshka Vidro

Meeshka Jewelry Designs

Marcia Newquist

“You are an excellent coach and always give a lot of good reference materials for every coaching call. I would recommend you to anyone who is looking for help on Pinterest.”

— Marcia Newquist

Creative Jewelry by Marcia

Laura Novak-Roesgen

"Our hour together was jam-packed full of incredible coaching. I could see me easily wasting dozens of hours trying to figure this out on my own— so the value I received for this hour of coaching far exceeded the price of admission."

- Laura Roesgen

Novaura Jewelry

Pinterest Curious?

This in-depth training will give you a thorough understanding of how the platform works and how to optimize for success.

Walk away with complete clarity on whether Pinterest marketing is a good fit for you and your brand.

Beyond a place to start and need a specific strategy? Book a call!

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