Intro Guide to ChatGPT for Product Sellers
A free resource with everything you need to get up to speed on AI so you can spend more time with creative work and studio time.
Like it or not AI is here to stay, but…
…even though AI is expected to change the productivity game, I know that many small jewelry business owners might be scratching their heads about what AI is and how it can actually help them with their marketing.
Let's be real for a moment.
It’s less about AI and more about what you gain. Most small business owners don’t have complicated tech stacks that require dozens of software solutions that need optimizations.
We simply want more time doing creative work and being at the bench.
AI is where you start in achieving this goal. The good news is it’s not as complicated as you might think.
The potential time-saving benefits of AI are too good to ignore.
The online space is more competitive than a billionaire rocket race. Marketing is no longer a nicety but a necessity.
How much time you spend on marketing, well, that’s another matter entirely.
Ready to take ownership of your time back? Download my guide, and let’s go!
How ChatGPT Can Save You Time
Let ChatGPT quickly gather ideas for email campaigns, website copy, ad copy, social media posts, blogs, lead magnets, welcome automation sequences, PR pitches, wholesale outreach, loyalty programs and more.
If you’re doing any of the items listed in planning, then you‘re on the hook to write a lot of copy. ChatGPT can provide a cure from writers block and provide a template to customize. No more blank screens with a blinking cusor.
Pinterest more than doubled traffic referrals to retailers in the last year. Setting up your brand to benefit big from this will enlist many of the strategies listed in planning, which, coincidentally are a great fit for assisted AI.